A Blessed Storm:

Hello and welcome to OURSTORY, a platform accessible for all to present individuals stories right in front of your very eyes. My mission is to have as many voices heard as possible so that we can all be brought together as one community and to hopefully expose that we are all not that different.

Join me today with Gabriela, a tenacious woman who's traveled, since January, to the United Kingdom for her studies. To her surprise, she has found that her education is not only the aspect that would grow in her life...

A Blessed Storm:

Gabriela is 17 and was raised in a Catholic family in Brazil. Despite this, she feels that her relationship with God and the Holy Spirit has only developed a year ago when she went to the "Youth Weekend Away" supplied by her church:

"I went to the Youth Weekend Away and I felt God's presence through the Holy Spirit so strongly that I realized that God is inside my heart and not in the throne above so far away; that we feel we can't even speak to him."

Gabriela is certain that God is actually your best friend that's constantly beside you, even within the most joyful and painful moments in your life, whether that be individually or as a collective. She remembers distinctly when this became apparent in her life, which dates back to 2018:

"I was going to come to England to start my studies in August of 2018, but my dad was diagnosed with a tumor that had a high chance to be malign (cancerous). I didn't feel good enough because of this to come to England at the time, especially when it came to leaving my family behind as they needed all the support I could give them."

It's understandable that Gabriela decided to stay in Brazil and postpone her studies until the next following year, but between this time, she experienced a miracle:

"From August to November before 2019, I experienced the Holy Spirit so vividly with flames inside my heart-so much that I put all my trust in God and asked him to do what was best for my father, and if it was his will, my father would be cured of any disease. Following this, there were a series of prayers collectively with other Christians in our community, of which in October, my dad finally got the courage to do the biopsy."

It was a long and painful month until the results came through. However, throughout all the waiting and uncertainty, Gabriela's faith flourished despite the variation of obstacles that came to her way-prominently the negative thoughts and vibrations sent from other people that affected her family and growing faith in God's purpose for them.

Then the results finally came out.

"I remember I collected the results and put Mary's image on it on the way to the doctor. Thankfully, to God's grace and Holy Spirit that continued to persevere in our faith, the tumor had disappeared and my Dad didn't have cancer!"

Taking this amazing news, Gabriela started to plan to come to England by doing all the necessary arrangements before her arrival. In the cold January of 2019, she reached England at the exact time God wanted her to do so. A wave of events crashed over Gabriela's life.

"Since then, I have experienced so many blessings and have learned so much about life as a collective. I got connected with St. Peters Church and have met so many amazing people. I consider them a family to me in this new country because when I arrived, I felt lonely."

Gabriela's glory doesn't end there, she's recently also taken her relationship with God to the next step by declaring her faith in the choppy seas of Brighton, a baptism on June 2nd, that she'll carry with her forever.

Currently, Gabriela is ecstatic to see what God has planned for her, because according to Gabriela:

"He is the BEST!"

To draw Gabriela's story to a close, I asked Gabriela for advice to give to the wider world, and she suggests:

"Never lose your Trust in God no matter what happens because there is always a bigger purpose behind everything that: has happened, is happening and is going to happen in your life. You may not know it yet, but at the right time, you will, as God's time is not your time. You're never late or early in something, you're always at the right time...God's time!"

Now I'll leave you with this:

Is your story ready to be heard?


  1. Wow! So young and so brave to travel alone, abroad to a strangers land. Inspiring. Well done young lady! I hope this country and life is good to you 😊
    Great idea btw. In a time of separation by so many different sources, this is so needed to try and connect and realise that we are all connected as hue-mans and that our lives all impact on each others! Thank you Kaia Allen-Bevan ❤


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